How many security models are there?

Bell-lapadula; Biba; Clarke Wilson's security model. These models are used to maintain security objectives, that is, in simple words, they refer to the maintenance of the CIA Triad.

How many security models are there?

Bell-lapadula; Biba; Clarke Wilson's security model. These models are used to maintain security objectives, that is, in simple words, they refer to the maintenance of the CIA Triad. There are 3 main types of classic security models. This model was invented by scientists David Elliot Bell and Leonard.

LaPadula, therefore, this model is called the Bell-Lapadula model. This is used to maintain security confidentiality. In this case, the classification of subjects (users) and objects (files) is organized in a non-discretionary way, with respect to the different levels of secrecy. This model was invented by the scientist Kenneth.

Therefore, this model is called the Biba model. This is used to maintain security integrity. It works exactly the other way around the Bell-Lapadula model. Explanation: There are 3 types of access control.

These are administrative access control, physical access control, and technical or logical access control. Explanation: The security model is classified into three types, namely, the Bell-Lapadula model, the Biba model, and the Clarke Wilson security model. Effective and efficient security models protect sensitive and relevant information or data of organizations. They deliver a precise set of instructions to the computer to follow the implementation of the vital security processes, procedures and concepts contained in a security program.

Security models are used to evaluate and authenticate security policy to map the intellectual property of the information system. Security models specifically define the relationship between operating system performance and information security models.